Click the picture below to enter the event Website where additional event information and the registration form can be found.
Kool April Nights 2013
Get ready for the 24th Annual Kool April Nights in Redding, Ca. where you’ll wake up to the roar of hot cars! What kinds of things will you see and do when you’re there…
Kool April Nights 2013 runs from April 13th to April 21st, a full nine day feast of all you can eat custom hot rods and restored classics. The kick off with the first show and shine will be at the Best Western at 2300 Hilltop Drive. You can use the map there to find other close by hotels if you plan to stay over and enjoy the event for a few days.
You’re sure to see miles of classic cars along with some of our club member’s cars shined up in the show and hitting the cruise strip for the big Friday Night cruise. There are show and shines, trophies, food, music, dances, and cruising. That’s just a short list of the fun to be had at Kool April Nights 2013.
The public can purchase pre-sale tickets for $7 at local Raley’s Supermarkets and Napa Auto Parts stores. Admission to the big Kar Show, the main event on Satuday, will be $8 at the gate for the general public. The Friday night cruise, which is the other major hit of the nine day long event, will be free to all spectators. Be sure to grab your spot early because the place will be packed for this one of a kind parade of custom hot rods and restored classics.
They will have concerts in the mega tent outside the Redding Civic Auditorium with tons of classic Rock ‘n’ Roll tunes with hot cover bands featuring music of the Beach Boys and The Beatles to name a few, and so much more.
Take a peek at the Kool April Nights 2013 Schedule of Events and mark your calendars to be at the Kool April Nights 2013 Event. We’ve been and haven’t heard back from anyone that they didn’t have a total blast.
Take in all of the information about Kool April Nights 2013 on their site where you can see all the registration details, the schedule, awards, vendors, and so much more. Enjoy the event and be sure to share your experience with us when you get home with all the Kool pictures and videos you took at the event.
Also, if you’ve never seen the famous Sun Dial Bridge in Redding, CA Turtle Bay this is something you’ll want to take a walk on for sure!
DMV Vintage License Plates
Classic Car Owners Get A Chance At Vintage California Plates
Pre-orders started on January 1, 2013. The California Department of Motor Vehicles announced that vehicle owners will now have the opportunity to purchase replicas of California license plate designs issued in the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s.
This new program will bring a retro look to modern license plates. The three classic designs above (Yellow Black 1950’s) (Black Yellow 1960’s) (Blue Yello 1970’s) can be ordered at a cost of $50 for non-personalized or personalized plates.
A pre-order form is available on the DMV website. The completed form and $50 payment (check, money order, or cashier’s check) must be mailed to the address provided on the form they will not take orders in the DMV field offices.
Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1658, by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles) on September 28, 2012. The law states that 7,500 applications must be reached by January 1, 2015. If 7,500 applications are not received by that date, any fees paid for the California Legacy plates will be refunded to the applicant.
Assemblyman Mike Gatto recently spoke with the L.A. Times about AB 1658 and said “AB 1658 will enable the backyard auto restorer, the nostalgic, or the owner of a brand-new retro-styled automobile to choose a license plate that best matches the look of their car while making a little money for the state too.”
Chime in on our comments section and let us know if you’ve ordered or not. We’d love to here from you about the DMV Vintage License plate offer. If you did order share what car you’ll be putting them on and if you went with personalized plates share that as well.
P.S. Thanks John for bringing this item up at our last club meeting.
To order now, simply go to our GTO Poster Secure Order Page . All pre-orders are in stock and ready for pick-up at our Monthly GTO Club Meeting.
Special Thanks to Heather Stover our Photographer and Artist (pictured below with Rick Torres handing him the CD).
Also, a special thanks to our poster committee: Rick Torres (Project Lead), Mike Archambault, Mike Hart, Phil Newell, and Dan Irwin.
This poster committee worked many hours to get this project to print!
Rick Torres and Mike Hart are pictured below handing off the CD to Scott at Dome Printing in Sacramento.