The Northern California GTO Club was established in July 1983 as a family oriented car club for enthusiasts of the “Original Muscle Car”, the Pontiac GTO. With eight members attending the first meeting, there are now over 60 members. The Northern California GTO Club is a non-profit tax exempt corporation with officers that are elected every year.
Membership is open to persons who are 18 years of age or older and are interested in the classic (1964 – 1974) and new generation (2004 – 2006) Pontiac GTOs. Ownership of a GTO is not a requirement, but attendance at two meetings or club events in a four month period is required before being voted upon for admission to the club. The annual club dues of $35.00 are due in July or at the time of application for joining members. Monthly meetings are held on the first Saturday of every month where upcoming events are discussed and GTO technical information is shared.
The Northern California GTO Club produces a monthly newsletter that is distributed to its members and sponsors. Also available to its members (at extra cost) are club shirts, jackets, and hats that include the Northern California GTO Club logo. Discounts at various automotive dealers are also available to club members.
Club members participate in various car related activities such as car shows, parades, and cruise/graffiti nights. Some family club events include trips to the Wine Country, Gold Country, and Apple Hill. The Northern California GTO Club also makes its GTOs available for charitable events, grand openings, weddings, and homecomings. Annually the Northern California GTO Club puts on a picnic in the summer for its members.
Northern California GTO Club Bylaws
- 1964 GTO Hardtop
- 1966 GTO Hardtop
- 1969 GTO Judge Hardtop
- 1973 GTO Sport Coupe
- 1974 GTO Hatchback with Tent Option
- 2005 GTO